Match Report

Match Report

Match Report
The sky is dark and overcast here at Coliseo Victoria where Tigre play host to Lanús. A crowd of 19,000 fill this 21,000 capacity stadium.
The pitch is in poor condition.
Both Tigre and Lanús are lined up in a 4-4-2 formation.
Today's match is refereed by Daniel Valdano.

Tigre start the game by kicking off the first half!
Joaquín Ardiles sees Alessandro Gomez in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Alessandro Gomez shoots from 20 yards. The ball comes in low, but Juan Sebastian Hernández effortlessly smothers it!
Ian Figueroa kicks a strong pass forward to Rui Quintero. Rui Quintero flicks a high pass forward to Yoet Ortega who brings the ball under control. Yoet Ortega kicks a strong pass forward to Sebastián Maldonado but the referee indicates it's offside!
Horacio Benítez controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Noe Dávila. With great vision, Noe Dávila plays the ball forward to Ezequiel Godoy. Ezequiel Godoy hits a low pass to Sebastián Maldonado. Sebastián Maldonado side-steps and rifles a shot at goal. The keeper is more than a match for it. Excellent keeping!
Thomas Velasquez catches Horacio Benítez on the ankles. Thomas Velasquez is shown the yellow card! Horacio Benítez grimaces as he struggles to run off the knock.
Alejandro Mata makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Thomas Velasquez. Thomas Velasquez sees a break and surges forward. Thomas Velasquez threads the ball through into the box. Joaquín Ardiles cuts inside the defence and shoots at goal. Joaquín Ardiles scores for Lanús!!
Alejandro Mata hacks Sebastián Maldonado from behind! The referee calls over Alejandro Mata and shows him a yellow card! Sebastián Maldonado runs off the knock.
The first half ends with the referee blowing his whistle!

Both teams emerge for the second half. Tigre appear unchanged since the first half. Lanús also appear unchanged since the first half.

The whistle blows and Lanús kick off!
Rui Arroyo flicks the ball to his team mate, Dinis Rosado. Dinis Rosado makes a simple pass to Alessandro Gomez. Alessandro Gomez whips in a cross ball towards Thomas Velasquez. Thomas Velasquez makes a convincing header. Juan Sebastian Hernández didn't know what hit him as the ball comes off him at close range. The loose ball is scrambled clear by the defence.
Noe Dávila makes a probing pass to Rui Quintero. Rui Quintero controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Yoet Ortega. Yoet Ortega lofts in a cross ball towards Sebastián Maldonado. Sebastián Maldonado makes a looping header on goal. It's there!! Lucas Benítez has to pick the ball from the back of the net!
Rui Arroyo flicks a high pass forward. Hernan Otero collects the pass. Hernan Otero darts forward. Hernan Otero whips in a cross ball towards Thomas Velasquez. Thomas Velasquez directs the ball goalwards with his head. Thomas Velasquez scores for Lanús!!
Rui Quintero threads the ball through to Yoet Ortega. Yoet Ortega knocks in a cross ball towards Sebastián Maldonado. Sebastián Maldonado fearlessly jumps in, powering the ball goalwards with his head. The ball edges just beyond the reach of the keeper, thudding into the back of the net. Goal!!
Luiz Gustavo Lucas flicks a high pass forward. Fabricio Moreno collects the pass. Fabricio Moreno darts forward. Fabricio Moreno lofts in a cross ball towards Sebastián Maldonado. Sebastián Maldonado makes a deft header. The ball takes a deflection leaving Lucas Benítez with no chance!! Goal for Tigre!
Seeing Noe Dávila's run, Rui Quintero quickly throws the ball into his path. Noe Dávila controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Yoet Ortega. Yoet Ortega knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Alejandro Mata.
Joaquín Ardiles runs deep into the other half of the pitch. Joaquín Ardiles advances inside the box! Joaquín Ardiles side-steps and rifles a shot at goal but it flies just off target!
Rui Quintero deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Yoet Ortega. Yoet Ortega whips in a cross ball towards Ezequiel Godoy. Ezequiel Godoy powers a header at goal. The ball is well placed but the keeper is a match for it. Great save!
Noe Dávila hits a low pass to Yoet Ortega. Seeing a gap ahead, Yoet Ortega plays the ball forward to Sebastián Maldonado. Sebastián Maldonado shoots from outside the area. Solid save from Lucas Benítez.
Dinis Rosado knocks the ball forward to Pavel Valadez. Pavel Valadez plays the ball forward to Alessandro Gomez. Alessandro Gomez knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Ian Figueroa.
The referee blows for full-time

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 3 vs 2
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 6 vs 4
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 0 vs 1
Offsides: 2 vs 0
Fouls: 0 vs 2
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 0 vs 2
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 57.3333333333333 vs 42.6666666666667
Play Area
Home team third: 22.67%, Midfield: 49.33%, Away team third: 28.00%

Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Sebastián Maldonado of Tigre

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
2. Dante Prieto (DEF)
3. Rui Arroyo (DEF)
5. Dinis Rosado (DEF)
6. Hernan Otero (MID)
7. Pavel Valadez (MID)

12. Enzo Soria (DEF)
14. Franco Husain (DEF)